TKI Article
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Article
- Hits: 15176
Weekly Classes
(please turn up 10 minutes early ready to be taken into the hall
and checked for temperature
All block classes to be paid at the beginning of the
calendar month
Some Covid restrictions will still be in place
All single classes will be 50 minutes long
giving a 10 minute room air break between classes
Temperature checks will be taken on entry
No equipment can be shared
due to covid safety
Zoom classes 40 minutes long
Bellingham Leisure Centre
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 1:00pm Family all grades
Hall 1:30pm Family Fitness all grades
Hall 2:00pm Family Advanced
Hall 2:30pm Family Sparring (two areas)
(Brown and Black belts will be refereeing in this class)
Monthly Referee courses
Hall 3:30pm Black belt Katas (Brown belts and above only)
Hall 4:00pm to 5:00pm Squad training
Bromley Pavilion
Instructor (Sharon GoodwinDoash)
Hall 2:00pm Family Beginners to 6th Kyu
Hall 3:00pm 6th Kyu and above
Warren Rd School
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 3:40pm Jnr all grades
Hall 4:30pm Jnr Advanced (extra 25 Minutes)
Farnborough (Orpington)
Farnborough Village Hall
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
5:15pm Jnr all grades
Hall 6:05pm Jnr Advanced (extra 25 Minutes)
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Zoom 7:00pm Jnr yellow to Blue belts
Zoom 7:45pm Mix Brown & black belts
St Davids Prep School (Students Only)
Instructor (Sharon GoodwinDoash)
3:45pm Years 3-6
Lochaber hall
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 5:30pm Jnr Beginners
Hall 6:30pm Jnr advanced
Hall 7:30pm Snr all grades
Hall 8:20pm (extra 25 minutes brown & black belts )
St John,s large hall
Instructor (Sharon GoodwinDoash)
Hall 5:30pmJnr all
Green Street Green
Green Street Green School
Instructor (Nathan Tennick)
Hall 8:00am All grades
Park Langley Tennis Club
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 5:45pm Jnr beg
6:10pm cardio all grades
6:35pm jnr adv and teenagers only
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Zoom 7:45pm Purple to black belt mix
St Davids Prep School (Students Only)
Instructor (Sharon GoodwinDoash)
3:30pm Years 1 to 3
Tubbenden School
Instructor (Nathan Tennick)
Hall 3:30pm jnr all
Hall 4:20pm Jnr adv
Lochaber hall
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 6:30pm Jnrs all
Hall 7:30pm Snrs all grades
Hall 8:20pm (extra 25 minutes for brown & black belts )
Carey Scutt Scouts hall
Instrutor (Sharon GoodwinDoash)
Hall 6:30pm Jnrs
Hall 7:30pm Snrs
Marian Vien School
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 3:30pm Jnr all
Downham Leisure centre
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 5:15pm Jnr all
Hall 6:15pm 6:45pm Jnr Adv (Extra 30 Minutes)
Coldharbour leisure centre
Instructor (Tom Tennick)
Hall 7:00pm Family class all grades
Extra time 7:50pm to 8:15pm Advanced belts
Covid tier 4 lockdown time table
(Zoom only) before 19th April
Zoom 4:00pm Jnr Beginners
Zoom 5:00pm Jnr Advanced
Zoom 6:00pm Jnrs all
Zoom 7:00pm Purple to Black belts Mx
Zoom 8:00pm Snrs all
Zoom 4:00pm Jnr Beginners
Zoom 5:45pm Jnr Beginners
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 6:45pm Jnr advanced
(Max 8 members only)
7:45pm Snrs Beginners
(Max 8 members only)
8:30pm Snrs Advanced
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 4:00pm Jnr beginners
Zoom 5:00pm Jnr advanced
Zoom 6:00pm Jnr Beginners
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 6:45pm Jnr Advanced
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 7:45pm Purple to black belt Jnrs
Zoom 8:30pm Purple to black belts snrs
Zoom 4:10pm Jnr all
(Max 8 members)
Zoom 6:30pm Jnrs all
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 7;30pm Purple to black belts mx
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 8:30pm Snrs
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 4:00pm Jnr beginners
Zoom 5:00pm Jnr advanced
Zoom 5:45pm Jnr Purple, Blue ,Purple+White
Zoom 6:30pm Jnr Beginners
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 7:15pm Jnr Advanced
(Max 8 members only)
Zoom 8:30pm Purple to black belts mx
Zoom 10:00am Jnr New starters (tiny tots)
Zoom 11:00am Jnr advanced
Zoom 12:00am Jnr Beginners
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Article
- Hits: 4048
This is the basic plan but each training hall will have a more in-depth working procedure
Each association must ensure the following:
1. There should be sufficient signage around the dojos to point out directions, the importance of regular handwashing, and social distancing.
2. Spectators, including parents, should not be allowed into the dojo, and should wait outside.
3. Safe and orderly entry and exit to the club dojos, observing social distancing protocols of 2 metres.
4. Members queuing outside must observe and maintain social distance. They should not enter the dojo until invited.
5. There should be a mandatory health check on arrival. A simple health check questionnaire should be completed asking if the member has experienced any illness since the previous session. Should a member report having any symptoms of COVID 19, then they must not be allowed to train and must report immediately to the NHS for a formal test. Instructors must make a clear note of such an occurrence. Every person is temperature checked on arrival (handheld devices are readily available from various sources online). Anyone with a raised temperature must not be allowed to train. For those that hire facilities, this check might be conducted by the facility management (instructor must check). Anyone showing any signs of the coronavirus must not train and contact the track and trace service.
6. The dojo must have clear markings where each person should stand. Everyone must be allocated 9.3 square metres (100 square feet) based on calculations using the dojo area, toilet, and changing facilities. The member should occupy the middle of that square. This is to ensure that adequate distance is always maintained, even during practice. A member can occupy other parts of their allocated space, but all members in the class must occupy the same space within their allocated area, which maintain social distancing. An instructor must constantly observe that social distancing is maintained throughout training.
7. The dojo must always be ventilated as best as possible with doors and windows open unless otherwise directed by the facility provider. The area must be well ventilated and systems that simply recirculated the same air are not acceptable ventilation systems. It is recognised that some modernised facilities will have appropriate ventilation. In facilities where such ventilation is not available, the appropriate risk assessment must be undertaken to identify how this can be mitigated.
8. On entry, a member must be directed to a designated marked position and wait for the session to begin. This may be particularly challenging for our younger members who must be constantly monitored. A full explanation will help to maintain this.
9. Members should arrive changed and ready. It is anticipated that changing rooms will not be open. There should be no changing in toilets, or the dojo. There is still debate about whether shoes are safer than bare feet. It is recommended that each association clarifies this with their local public health authority.
10. Preferably, sessions should be pre-booked.
11. Payments for sessions should be contactless where possible.
12. A record of contact details of all those that attend sessions must be kept assisting the Government’s track and trace programmes. Clubs are legally obliged to ensure they have this information. Members must be advised of this record, and that they do not have a choice to ‘opt-out’ of this obligatory requirement.
13. Soap and water hand washing is the preferred option but in any event cleansing gel needs to be available and used as additional cleansing before and after practice. It is the responsibility of both the instructors and the members to ensure that antibacterial gel is readily available. Paper towels should be provided.
1. Only NON-CONTACT training is allowed at this time. Though some family groups could practice with contact, this should not happen in ‘public’ sessions as it will give the wrong impression and must not form any part of the community training programme at this time
2. Drilling in moving lines (like marching) is only allowed if members are in a single rank and have clear ‘lanes’ to move up and down. There must be no entry into another person’s marked space at any time.
3. There should be no kiai Forcefully driving air from the body (as in shouting) increases the risk of droplets being spread and would require greater social distance needed between members as well as potentially infecting surfaces around the members. In this context, Instructors need to be mindful of their calls/commands and should seek to increase the distance between themselves and the assembled class.
4. All forms of face coverings may restrict breathing efficiency and should not be used during exercise except on specific advice from a Doctor. If they are to be used, then the following is recommended:
· Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and after removing it
· Avoid touching the face or face covering
· Change face covering if it becomes damp or if it has been touched
· Continue to wash hands regularly
· Change and wash the face-covering daily
· If the material is washable, wash in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. If it is not washable, dispose of it carefully in the usual waste
5. Sharing of any equipment is prohibited.
6. Instructors must refrain from guiding or touching any member’s limb during practice.
7. If toilets are used, they must be cleaned immediately following use. The hands must be washed thoroughly, and paper towels disposed of properly.
At the end or between sessions
1. Members must leave the dojo in an orderly and organised fashion. They must leave as they arrived and change at home.
2. All members are advised to immediately shower on returning home.
3. All members MUST clean their training clothes (gi or otherwise) between sessions.
4. Any congregating of people must be away from the dojo and outside, whilst maintaining social distancing protocols. The social aspects of a club should not be under-estimated as it contributes to the overall well-being of members, but these activities must be conducted in line with government guidance.
5. There must be no hugging or embracing between members at any point, but especially after a session when members are likely to have been perspiring.
6. If the session is in between sessions, then all surfaces must be cleaned using an appropriate steriliser.
7. If multiple classes are held over the day/evening, the instructor must allow adequate time between classes for clearing and cleaning of the dojo (15 minutes between each class to allow for air circulation. The hall must be empty). This is to ensure and minimise the risk of contamination and maintaining social distancing. There must be no over-crowding at any time around entrances and exits (we will be using one door for entrances and another for exits. Members will be brought into sports centres from the car park without parents. It is very important to be on time – 10 minutes before class start is ideal as we have to check temperatures. If you arrive late, you will not be able to enter the sports centre).
8. There must be no shared use of drinking bottles at any time.
It is recognised that implementing the above measures will place significant pressure on time and space. Class sizes will more than likely reduce in number, and perhaps need to be shorter, which in turn places pressure on finances. However, these measures are mandatory if clubs wish to train in their dojo.
· The dojo and facilities must be thoroughly cleaned before returning to training.
· Temperatures must be taken and anybody found to have a high temperature should not be allowed to train. Anyone who displays COVID symptoms should leave and arrange for testing.
· Class timetables should be adapted to allow for social distancing.
· When waiting to enter or leaving the dojo, social distancing of 2 metres should be maintained.
· Changing rooms should not be used except for people with disabilities and those with special needs.
· When training each individual must have a minimum of 9.3 square metres (100 square feet) subject to adequate ventilation.
· Classes must not include any contact training whatsoever including those from the same ‘bubble’.
· Equipment should not be used.
· Following training, all areas which have been used should be cleaned.
· Touching any part of the face should be discouraged while regular handwashing and/or hand sanitisation should be strongly encouraged.
· Parents are not allowed into the dojo and if you are late, you will lose your pre-booked space
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Article
- Hits: 11865
Squad training juniors (fight club)
Squad training Teenagers (fight club)
Brown and Black belt Advanced Kata classes
Kaicai makes a video for a pop group
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Article
- Hits: 13103
Dear TKI “Staying-At-Home” Member,
Firstly, I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.
As you know, we are all required to stay at home presently and therefore we are unable to attend our karate lessons at the dojo/schools. However, whilst we are in this difficult situation, we can still undertake the training whilst at home, and at the same time, keep up our fitness levels which is also very good for our mental health.
Could I interest you in taking part in our online TKI Virtual Dojo training? I have designed the training to be done in a limited space, anywhere at home and for all grades/levels.
Junior Beginners
Belts: White; White/Orange; Orange; White/Red; Red
Junior Advanced
Belts: White/Yellow; Yellow; White/Green; Green; White/Purple; Purple
Junior & Senior Mixed Blue To Black Belts
Blue; Purple/White; Brown; Brown/White; Brown/Double White; Black
White; Orange; Red; Yellow; Green; Purple; Purple/White; Brown, Brown/White, Brown/Double White; Black
If you are interested in and willing to try the training, I will be using ZOOM, the videoconferencing app to do this. Please see the following Instructions (on the last page of this letter) in relation to the ZOOM app,
I will send you an invitation to join the class by email with a code to join the class five minutes before beginning.
If siblings are training at the same time, they will need separate devices to join in so I can see them training.
Please keep background noise to the minimum or I will have to mute you.
It is your responsibility to be ready five minutes before the class starts.
No refunds will be given for missed classes.
Dress code is optional, but it would be nice to wear Karate clothing if possible. If you do not own a Karate gi (suit), comfortable clothing such as tracksuit trousers and a T-shirt are ideal.
Lessons will be 40 minutes long at a cost of £5:00 a lesson.
Only five members at a time in each class at beginner level eight at advanced level please, as this is easiest to manage and ensures that I can see and give my full attention to each student.
To be paid after booking the class to confirm bookings.
Payment only by bank transfer
T. Tennick
Barclays Bank
A/C: 43027376
Sort code: 20-12-26
Reference: Child’s full Name
I will put the class times on the club’s WhatsApp page, and the first five people to reply will have a place in that class.
Training at the TKI Virtual Dojo
This will enable you to train safely in your home with expert instruction given by myself. Training sessions will be held on the days/ times as set out text below.
If you book on the days/times you normally train, children will see their friends on the screen of the ZOOM app to train with. This will be also good for their confidence in the class and make it fun for them as well.
Please note
1.The parents are responsible to make sure the training area is a safe place to train (Risk assessment )
2.Parents are in charge of the children not the instructor as the instructor is not physically present
3.All children should be accompanied be a adult at all times in the lesson for child protection reasons
4.We well send the parent or adult member a code by whats app to members booked in to each class five minutes before the lesson starts
This is for child protection, The code will change every new lesson
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue to Black Belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Teenagers all grades
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue belts to Black belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Teenagers all grades
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue/Purple to Black Belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Junior mixed
7:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr & Snr Blue to Black Belts
8:00 p.m. – Senior beginners
4:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
5:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
6:00 p.m. - Junior Purple belt- Blue belt - Purple&White belts
7:00 p.m. - Junior mixed
8:00 p.m. - Mixed Jnr &Snr Blue to Black belts
10:00 a.m. - Junior beginners
11:00 a.m. - Junior advanced
12:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
1:00 p.m. - Junior advanced
2:00 p.m. - Junior beginners
3:00 p.m. – Senior “Sparring Moves” class
4:00 p.m. - Black Belt Kata
If you want a book a class with five friends at a daytime class, please contact me on:-
Text – 07506 541833
Talk to me – 07956 372474
Please do not call during lesson times so that I am able to give the students their full lessons without me having to stop to take calls, thank you
Please be aware that this is a temporary measure in these difficult times and there may be teething issues. It will not, of course, be the same as training at the Dojo/schools, but hopefully will give the students the ability to gain some normality and retain their Karate fitness whilst we are all at home.
Register yourself by sending your email address to
Equipment needed
We recommend you train using a laptop or desktop as the screen is larger and you will be able to see me more clearly. However, you can use your phone if needed, just be aware that the image of me will be restricted to the size of your screen. You also need to ensure that you have a working camera so I can see you, speakers so you can hear me and a microphone so you can ask any questions. You can make sure all of this works by installing ZOOM (the video-conferencing app that I will be using) beforehand and testing it to make sure it works.
Training at home and health and safety
Training in a safe environment is important. As you will be training at home, please ensure your training space is free from obstruction and sharp or fragile objects. You need enough space to carry out techniques without hurting yourself. I will modify the training to be carried out in confined spaces but it is your responsibility to ensure that you training space is safe.
The other thing to be aware of is the positioning of your camera. Try if possible to make sure that it shows your whole body so I can see your whole technique.
Sign up and download ZOOM (the videoconferencing app/program)
You will need to use the videoconferencing app called ZOOM to take part in the training. Can you all please download this to your laptop/desktop/ iPhone/ Android phone. Please ensure that the manufacturer is Zoom Video Communication Inc. Please see the hyperlink for this. Can you also please register yourself (it is free to do so).
Kind regards and I look forward to our virtual teaching!
Sent from my iPhone