TKI Events
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Events
- Hits: 11786
As a person taking part in our clubs within our karate association, we would like you to follow this guidance to ensure you can participate in your sport or activity safely.
- Inform the academy if not attending
- Report health problems to the instructor before the start of the class
- Be punctual for class and wait appropriately.
- If late for class, warm up away from the class and then wait at the front and/or side of the class until you receive permission to join the class
- Respect and celebrate differences in our club or activity and not discriminate against anyone else on the grounds of gender, race, sexual orientation, or ability.
- Report any incidents of bullying, including homophobia and transphobia, to a member of staff, even if you are just a witness.
- Treat other young people with respect and appreciate that everyone has different levels of skill and talent.
- Make our academy a welcoming and friendly place to be.
- Support and encourage your teammates. Tell them when they have done well and be there for them when they struggle.
- Respect our staff and the staff and young players from other teams.
- Be a good sport, celebrate when we win, be gracious when we lose, play by the rules and have fun.
- Follow our online safety and internet use policies.
- Get involved in club or activity decisions; it is your sport, too.
- Bow when entering or leaving the dojo.
- Keep yourself safe by listening to your coach or trainer, behaving responsibly and speaking out when something is wrong.
- When you are with us, stay in the places where you are supposed to; do not wander off or leave without telling an instructor.
- Take care of our equipment and premises as if they were yours.
- Make it to practices or sessions on time and if you are running late, let a member of staff know.
- Bring the right kit to practice and wear the appropriate kit for the weather.
- Do not smoke, vape, or consume alcohol on our premises, during practices, competitions or when representing us.
- Always bow to a senior grade first.
- Walk around the edge of the dojo.
- Refer to instructors as Sensei or by their appropriate title, not by name.
- The closing ceremony is significant. Please sit up straight when kneeling and keep your eyes forward.
- Ensure uniforms fit correctly and are in a good state of repair
- Keep fingernails and toenails clean and short enough to avoid causing injury
- Do not wear jewellery and If it is impossible to remove rings or earrings, then cover them with tape.
- Do not wear shoes in the dojo
- Wear rank belts at all times
- Do not leave the class without the permission of the instructor
- Do not consume food or drink within the dojo training area
- Do not smoke in the dojo
- Do not use foul language or inappropriate behaviour.
- Contribute to your safety and the safety of others in the dojo
- Ensure possession of an up-to-date licence
- Young people under fourteen must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or other known and named person before leaving the dojo environment.
As a person taking part, we understand you have the right to:
- Enjoy your time with us, and know you are safe.
- Be told who you can talk to if something is not correct.
- Be listened to and be included.
- Be involved and contribute towards decisions within the academy or activity.
- Be respected by us and other team members and be treated fairly.
- Feel welcomed, valued and not judged based on race, gender, sexuality or ability.
- Be encouraged and develop skills with our help.
- Be cared for if there is an accident or injury, and have your parents informed if needed.
We expect all young people and adults to follow the behaviours and requests set out in this policy. If any person behaves in a way that contradicts the aforementioned points, we will address the problem immediately (with parents' involvement for young people under eighteen years of age) and aim to resolve the issue.
Continued issues and repeated breaches of this code may result in us regrettably asking you to leave the activity, event or club permanently for the welfare of other young people, adults and our instructors/coaching staff. This is something we never want to do.
Safeguarding in Karate
Safe Practice
Karate is an oriental system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows to the body. It involves punching, kicking and blocking and
can occasionally result in injury. Karate involves strikes, punches and kicks.
Taking part in Karate can be risky and the risks include but are not limited to:-
Injuries to the face such as nose bleeds or broken noses;
Concussion is also a possibility from strikes to the head;
Broken bones (fingers / toes especially); and
Injury from inappropriate stretching and other exercises such as torn muscle or ligaments are also possible.
NB: However, the List is not exhaustive. Children are particularly vulnerable as they are still developing mentally and physically, so training methods need to
be modified as described below, and measures need to be in place at competitions to minimise such injury. So to minimise the possibility of injury, the following
safe practice is encouraged in all TKI dojos.
The following is a guide to consider along side the health and safety assessment that must be completed before each training session and, where appropriate,
each competition.
Safe Practice in the Dojo
It is essential that a basic risk assessment is carried out by the lead trainer on arrival at the venue to ensure previous users have complied with the minimum
health and safety requirement such as removal of litter, dangerous objects, spillage on floors etc.
Flooring must be dry and, where necessary, non-slip mats are laid down to prevent slipping and create more comfort when sparring. If there are emergency
exits and these are opened during hot weather, care must be taken to ensure no one enters or leaves the building without prior authority from the lead coach.
Safeguarding all participants whilst in the Dojo is the responsibility of the lead Sensei.
Safe Practice in class
Warm up is essential and must be appropriate for the activity that will take place later that session.
Monitoring limitations of participants is vital to reduce muscle or ligament injury so encouragement is key but at participants own pace and ability Asking if
anyone has an injury before class starts and then advise participant accordingly to take care is good practice.
Avoiding excessive stretching and exercises such as press-ups on the knuckles or hitting heavy bags; the joints of children are still developing and can be
damaged by these exercises. Water is readily available for each participant if they need it to prevent dehydration.
Safe Practice when sparring and in Kumite
Contact in Karate must be controlled as best as possible to avoid serious injury. All participants, when sparring, must strictly adhere to the following or taking
part in a Kumite competition: -
Wear hand mitts
Gum shield
Foot pads are optional
In particular with children under the age of 16 contact to the face/head is NOT permitted.
Height or weight of the participants are a consideration in competition
Female participants are able to wear chest guards
Sparring in training must be supervised and monitored
Mats will always be laid for competition events
Any injury to the head the participant is advised to attend hospital
All coaches are first aid trained and regularly updated every three years
St Johns Ambulance or similar qualified First Aiders are present at all competitions.
Above all, safe practice means having a suitably qualified and experienced instructor who will ensure that children are not exposed to the above risks and who
can make a training session enjoyable whilst maintaining the discipline essential to learning Karate.
- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Category: TKI Events
- Hits: 25205
Assessment grading exam will be the week before the grading dates shown
Assessment Grading exams free but lesson fee applies
To be eligible to do the grading exam you must have been assessed
Please note members wishing to grade must have a Karate suit and valid
Grading Mock assessment exam means
We assess the children the week before we put them into the exam
We do this as children have a 99% chance of passing as they are so young at lower levels and want to build their confidence
As grading levels get harder we are harder with our decisions
If a child is not ready to grade we think it is best to tell them before putting them through a grading exam
Grading exam means
Changing the colour of the belt by achieving moves, combinations and katas
These grading exams get harder as you work up the levels
You will be upgraded to a more advanced class when achieving certain levels
This will keep the interest to students as, like school, classes get more interesting as they move up levels and no reason to go over beginner training lessons
The lower mock assessment grading and gradings will be held in the normal venues you train in
Brown and black belt gradings are held twice a year on Saturday afternoons at our Bellingham venue
Please note any brown or black belt who has not attended three
referees' courses between each grading are not eligible to grade
Next Brown and Black belt grading 2025
May 10th Saturday
Bellingham Leisure centre
4:00pm to 5:00pm
By appointment only
Dates Referee courses 2025
Bellingham Leisure Centre Saturdays
January 25th 2:30pm to 4:45pm
February 22nd 2:30pm to 4:45pm
March 29th 2:30pm to 4:45pm
April 26th 2:30pm to 4:45pm
May 10th 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Cost £15:00
Grading Fees
if you are already temporary brown and red belt going for brown and white
Cost £30:00
if you are a already temporary brown and double red belt going for brown and Double white
Cost £30:00
If you are a brown belt grading to brown and white belt
Cost £60:00
If you are a brown & white belt going for Brown double white Cost
If you get a temporary red and brown belt or double red and brown belt and have paid £60:00 you will get the next grading free
Black belt grading fees
1st Dan black belt £100:00
2nd Dan black belt £120:00
3rd Dan black belt £140:00
Next Mock Assessment kyu grading TBA 2025 (Schools only)
Warren rd School
Green Street Green School
Tubbenden School
Marian Vian School
kyu grading Dates December 2025 TBA
Warren rd School
Marian Vian School
In person Farnborough Village hall BR6 7BB
5:15pm to 6:00pm Lesson
6:00pm to 6:30pm Grading
Zoom Saturday (8 places each time slot )
10:30pm to 11:00am
11:00pm to 11:30am
11:30pm to 12:00pm (Advanced Yellow and above )
Tubbenden School
In person Farnborough Village hall BR6 7BB
5:15pm to 6:00pm Lesson
6:00pm to 6:30pm Grading
Zoom Saturday (8 places each time slot )
10:30pm to 11:00am
11:00pm to 11:30am
11:30pm to 12:00pm (Advanced Yellow and above )
Next Mock Assessment kyu grading December 2025 (halls) TBA
Monday Farnborough
Tuesday Lewisham/Lee
Wednesday Beckenham
Thursday Lewisham/Lee
Friday Downham
Friday Mottingham
Saturday Bellingham
Grading exam Kyu grades 2025 TBA
Monday Farnborough
Tuesday Lewisham/Lee
Wednesday Beckenham
Thursday Lewisham/Lee
Friday Downham
Friday Mottingham
Saturday Bellingham